How I read my E-Book

Hi there! I uploaded lots of wise books on my e-book (A dear gift from my daddy -- I adore shopping with my dadd - not because of the things -- because I always love to be with him) and I'm keen to read all them all. I love reading outside - but if I accidentally have my sketchbook in my bag, it's not reading anymore -- it always turns to drawing.

A small courtyard in the cross of two streets that I LOVE! (пересечение Канонерской с Прядильным) -- I passed it running but decided to take a stop and read a chapter -- finally I made a sketch.(I've been so taken with this old tender corner) -- (well, it happens here surely-usually- routinely):
Saint Petersburg Sketches

It's a park of Conservatory. The same story -- I plan to read 10 pages of 'Il peccato di Loretta",BUT....
Saint Petersburg Sketches
             You see?? I'll remain stupid, ignorant and benighted because of my sketchbook!


17 comm:

  1. Ah the temptations of art - how we love it!! Wonderful sketches... well, incredible works of art really :)

  2. i love reading outside, too - I could sit outside on the park bench in your sketch, all day!

  3. Love your journal sketches ~ so delightful and colorful! Wow! ~thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  4. i think you learn differently because of your sketchbook. such wonderful pages!

  5. I so enjoy your sketchbook and selfishly am glad it takes first choice over your reading.

    1. >glad it takes first choice over your reading -- I love this locution -- thankYou!

  6. I like you love your sketchbook!!

  7. Great sketches... I love reading or painting outside... :)

  8. i love your sketches. What fun to draw outside and see the subject as your sketching!

  9. я очень люблю зто и я думаю что искусство самая важная дисциплина в мире!! sorry for using my bad russian on you :D reading is less important than art I say especially when you do it in such a wonderful way!

    1. very proper russian in fact
      >>reading is less important than art -- it consoles me)) thankYou for a nice comment

  10. i love the drawings in your sketchbook! and what a funny post about reading your e book!

    1. funny?? I lambasted myself for this dolce-farniente! Thank you so much

  11. I want my sketchbook to look like your sketchbook. Inspiring.
    cheers, dana

  12. grandiose Thanks to all of you


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