Here are the few of my favorite things

That’s is one of my favorite things: LIGHT through the curtain fabric which is very LIGHT. I love open window with organza dispersing the light in every particle of my room and in every molecule of my eyes.

There a many residents of my windows who also love everything around:

That’s: heart-tracks from cheap petit counter on La Seine’s enclosure, I’ve bought few cards and run to conquer Paris further. And this bottle – I made it of the old cognac bottle, the binder-twine and underwater treasures of Red Sea, adding few beads from neighbor art-shop and straw from Mr. Downey’s garden. The sheep-flowers pitcher is for my plants watering, made of Cointreau bottle and paper tissue.

The plants -- fern, elephant's-ear (aka begonia, but I prefer Elephant sentence) and someone else are here:


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