Paris Travel Sketches

Paris-Carnet-de-VoyageWe've back from Paris a few weeks ago and now I find scraps of paper in my bag, in my jeans pockets, in my porte-monnaie....
It would be nice Paris travel sketchbook if I accumulate it all.
I would LOVE to share it here with you, so I'd upload some now, and some later.
These fast sketches I made very quickly in the Jardin du Luxembourg while waiting for my dadd and hubby. This is an Delacroix admirer of the bronze Eugene Delacroix monument:
Paris, Jardin du Luxembourg, Delacroix Sketch
and then I moved toward my point préféré of the Jardin du Luxembourg. So this is the sketch of lovers (Acis and Galatea) of La fontaine Médicis. It was built in about 1630 by Marie de Medici, the wife of Henry IV and regent of Louis XIII.
Paris, Jardin du Luxembourg, Medici Fontain

There is a caffée that I love on the street St.Martin, close to Hôtel de Ville - Le cafe Livres. I was really happy to find this sketchbook with this fast sketch:
Paris-Travel Sketchbook, Cafe de livres
Paris-Travel Sketchbook, Cafe de Livres
and I found there le livre, the book with my name.

You see, there is a Voltaire's phrase Aimez qui vous aime - Love the one who loves you. Et oui, seulement comme ça ! I bought this card in the Pantheon, where you cqn stay for 1000000 years watching the magic sculptures of the French Revolution
 Paris, Pantheon, Revolution Sculpture

Paris, Pantheon, Sketchbook
I remember with so much LOVE our couple of days in Paris, how we walked there
Paris, Carnet de Voyage Sketchbook

and so I made some little video mixes of some shots that I made by iphone



18 comm:

  1. I adore these--they just fill my eyes. What a marvelous thing to find after a trip to one of the most beautiful cities in the world. You are so gifted.

  2. very lovely sketches

    much love...

  3. Fantastic sketches, happy PPF, Valerie

  4. Those are such beautiful scraps! And I really enjoyed your cinematographic videos!

  5. Beautiful sketches on found paper. The lines and colors and added tidbits really keep me wanting to gaze! And the videos were fun to watch.
    visiting from sunday sketches.

  6. Great to see your little sketches, I bet you can remember exactly where you were when you did them :)

    1. Yes; 1st of all it's Jardin du Luxembourg, I made some sketches in the fog that I adore! Thank you!!

  7. Gorgeous sketches! The videos were stunning too! I had a few tears during the first one in light of what's happened!! Thank you for sharing the beautiful there and filling my heart today with your creativity!

    Hugs Giggles

  8. Oh wow, those sketches are gorgeous! I love them!

  9. Lovely sketches. The video too.

  10. what wonderful memories of your trip you have created in these lovely sketches!


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