Nîmes -- Musée des Beaux Arts

In August I went to Nîmes, Yan was already there for work and I joined him just for a weekend. I made a whole sketchbook about its streets and people, but for the moment here are some pages that I made in the Fine Arts Museums.

This is a miniature tiny sculpture of a laundry girl:
Watercolor sketchbook France Nimes

Watercolor sketchbook France Nimes  наброски франция

Do you know who made this lovely liitle beauty? Étienne Falconet, THE Falconet, the one who made the Bronze Horseman in Saint-Petersburg

Медный всадник Watercolor sketchbook France Nimes  наброски франция

Etiene Falcone Watercolor sketchbook France Nimes  наброски франция

Watercolor sketchbook France Nimes  наброски франция
  And then I scribbled a little part of the painting 'Adoration des bergers' -- Adoration of the Shepherds --  of Bartolomeo Guidobono. It's a huge beautiful painting, but I sketched just this young tender Madonna girl with her little boy
Watercolor sketchbook France Nimes  наброски франция

Watercolor sketchbook France Nimes  наброски франция

Watercolor sketchbook France Nimes  наброски франция
   And so the next Nîmes pqges in the next posts! 
❤ ❤ ❤


20 comm:

  1. Absolutely AMAZING , you never cease to amaze with your artistic style! Gorgeous! Thank you very much for joining us over at Art Journal Journey again!

    Hugs, Susi

  2. I always love your watercolor paintings/sketches. They are always stunning. I also enjoyed your photos, too. Thank you for sharing your beautiful journal art with us at Art Journal Journey, too.

  3. Lovely inspired art, thanks for sharing a bit of Nimes with us

  4. I love your beautiful watercolor pages. You are really talented!
    Thank you for sharing the awesome photos.
    Happy PPF xx

  5. Oh my goodness! What stunning pages! Your style is just lovely!

  6. I love your pages you've shared - they are really beautiful and so serene. Happy PPF from Number 25 :D

  7. your illustrative pages are so beautiful!

  8. I find the background result quite intrig.
    Coffee is on

  9. Your artwork is beautiful Erica! Thanks for sharing with my theme at AJJ.
    Alison x

  10. Lovely images of your experiences. I am so grateful to be a subscriber. We, too, have traveled to Istanbul. And I kept a journal, but yours is sublime.

    1. DvARrtist and Lee, so glad you liked it !

  11. The art is amazing, I enjoyed it. . .and the photographs. Blessings, Janet

  12. Fantastic watercolor sketches, so nice! Thanks for sharing the photos.
    Dear Greetings


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