Carnet de voyage en Provence

Hi les ami(e)s! 
These are few pages of my sketchbook that I made in my travel over Provence
Nimes, Marseille and Montpellier
(it was also Narbonne and Abbaye de Fontfroide, but I'll show it a little bit later,
 I swear!)
So here is the Arena of Nîmes, a Roman amphitheatre, built around AD 70 (imagine)
And again a page with this Nîmes' amphitheatre on the right,
 left page is my very quick sketch in Marseille: 
Fort Saint-Jean, a fortification in Marseille, built in 1660 by Louis XIV 
(and my table in the hotel on a left page):
Marseille again - this is a monument of Pierre Puget (1620–1694), 
French painter, sculptor, architect and engineer
and 2 pages of Montpellier - Saint-Pierre Cathedral, Parc Rimbaud  
and Louis XIV Statue
So to be continued! 
See you!


8 comm:

  1. Oh how beautiful and delicate these are! I love them!

  2. Beautiful paintings! I love France and the old houses with window shutters :) And therefore the last one is my favourite :))
    Have a beautiful Sunday!
    Tinna ✐

  3. Absolutely breathtaking drawings and paintings. I feel like I have visited your beautiful cities through your journal.

  4. It's such a pleasure to look at your adorable travel journals. They give me the feeling to be in all these places as well. Wonderful work!

  5. Ouh thank you so so much!!


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